EPNS Training Course: Immune-mediated and infective central nervous system disease
Participants will gain a clear understanding of:
9.5.2012 - 10.5.2012 - Sarajevo - Genetic and acquired risk factors for infections and immune mediated disease
- Immunological mechanisms relevant for infections and immune mediated disease
- Clinical presentation, diagnostic pitfalls, management and complications of acute bacterial intracranial infections, acute and chronic viral disease and the zoonoses which affect the central nervous system.
- Pathophysiology of immune mediated nervous system disease
- Diagnostic characteristics of ADEM, CIS, MS and mimics
- Clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges of auto-antibody diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system
- Treatment modalities in immune mediated diseases of the CNS
- Diagnostic pitfalls in Guillain Barre syndrome and CIDP
Stát: Bosna a Hercegovina
Pořadatel: Prof. Smail Zubcevic
Informace pro účastníky.
Přihláška do EPNS (možnost získat na konference slevu).