EPNS Training Course: Immune-mediated and infective central nervous system disease

EPNS Training Course: Immune-mediated and infective central nervous system disease Participants will gain a clear understanding of:
  1. Genetic and acquired risk factors for infections and immune mediated disease
  2. Immunological mechanisms relevant for infections and immune mediated disease
  3. Clinical presentation, diagnostic pitfalls, management and complications of acute bacterial intracranial infections, acute and chronic viral disease and the zoonoses which affect the central nervous system.
  4. Pathophysiology of immune mediated nervous system disease
  5. Diagnostic characteristics of ADEM, CIS, MS and mimics
  6. Clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges of auto-antibody diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system
  7. Treatment modalities in immune mediated diseases of the CNS
  8. Diagnostic pitfalls in Guillain Barre syndrome and CIDP

9.5.2012 - 10.5.2012 - Sarajevo

Stát: Bosna a Hercegovina
Pořadatel: Prof. Smail Zubcevic

Informace pro účastníky.
Přihláška do EPNS (možnost získat na konference slevu).

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